About the Program
The major in Arts and Global Change integrates training in one artistic discipline with social science and humanities courses which focus on global issues, and, opportunities to develop applied professional skills. This major is a unique pathway through college that supports creative, pragmatic students who have a passion for both the arts and social justice. Students will develop an artistic practice of advocacy and a global perspective on an array of issues including: displacement and migration, racism, gender-based violence; the global environment and climate change, political conflict, disease and more.
Students will take classes in three clusters: the global issues cluster, the creative practice cluster, and the professional practice cluster. They will also take several required courses which will give them an opportunity to integrate their experiences in the three clusters: Introduction to International Studies (IS 101); Research Writing for Creative Artists; and Purpose, Power and Possibilities: An integrative seminar. All students will elect to complete their senior capstone project either in their artistic discipline or in the department of Historical and Political Studies.
The global issues cluster includes 16-24 credits taken from a carefully curated list of interdisciplinary courses that provide students the opportunity to critically reflect on their power, responsibility, and positionality vis a vis global issues. These global issues classes spotlight the intersections between the arts and an array of global social justice issues including racism, gender-based violence, the global environment and climate change, migration, political conflict, disease and more.
The creative practice cluster includes 16-24 credits of courses taken in one artistic discipline. Artistic disciplines that students can receive training are: creative writing, acting, theater arts, video production, ceramics, graphic design, illustration, metals and jewelry, painting, photography, and printmaking.
The professional practice cluster includes 12-16 credits of courses that will provide students with professional experiences and skills for the work world. Professional development opportunities include internships and coursework in public policy, NGO management, arts leadership and management, and marketing and communications.
This blend of coursework across these three clusters encourages students to think through identity (their own and others), to understand that identity is never power-neutral, and to think through who they are in the world and what impact they can have. Thinking through identity requires understanding your own positionality in a complex and inequitable social and political field configured by historical and contemporary power dynamics. Understanding this is essential for artists engaged in social change, as they reckon with and endeavor to work through the power-position-identity nexus in their creative work.
Students are strongly encouraged to study abroad in the Arts and Global Change major either for a semester or on short term study programs such as the Spring Preview or Global Field Study program. Advisors will work with students to ensure that they can study abroad and complete all requirements for the major.
Program Requirements
Total Credits: 64-69
Integrative Core (12 credits)
IS 101: Introduction to International Studies (4 credits)
IS 140: Purpose, Power and Possibilities: An Integrative Seminar (2 credits; must be taken at least twice for a total of 4 credits)
200-level RW course (4 credits)
Global Issues Cluster (16-24 credits)
Creative Practice Cluster (16-24)
Professional Practice Cluster (8-16 credits)
Senior Capstone (4-9 credits)
Note: Classes taken in Global Issues Cluster, Creative Practice Cluster and Professional Practice Cluster should total at least 48 credits.
Integrative Core Classes:
Students will take four classes which provide them the opportunity to integrate and synthesize their experiences across the Global Issues, Creative Practice, and Professional Practice clusters.
Introduction to Global Studies: (4 credits) To be taken in the fall semester of year one.
Research Writing: (4 credits) To be taken in year two. Students will choose from one of the following research writing classes:
- IS 201 International Studies Research Writing
Purpose, Power, and Possibilities: An Integrative Seminar (2 credits x 2). This class will be taken twice, in the spring of year one and the spring of year four. Students may take the class more than twice if they wish.