Feb 16, 2025
2018-19 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
University Seminars
About the Seminars
University Seminars are a showcase of integrative learning at Arcadia designed to make intellectual connections among academic disciplines and between scholarly ideas and the world beyond the classroom. A wide range of University Seminars are offered each semester, and all University Seminars carry the Integrative Learning designation and help students fulfill their additional Integrative Learning Experience requirements. Many University Seminars are interdisciplinary courses where your Arcadia professors explore a dynamic world of ideas with you. University Seminars also take you out of the classroom and into the culturally and intellectually rich Philadelphia region. Taking University Seminars also helps you work toward fulfilling other Arcadia curriculum requirements. In addition to the Integrative Learning designation, all University Seminars fulfill at least one Area of Inquiry and at least one Intellectual Practice. Please note, not all courses are offered every semester. Courses
- US 203 Songwriting: A Blend of Poetry and Music
- US 204 Buddhism and the Beats: Dharma Bums, Zen Lunatics and Crazy Wisdom
- US 205 Philadelphia Then & Now
- US 208 Great Trials in History
- US 209 Social Action and Social Change
- US 211 From Hippies to Hipsters: The Legacies of Counter Culture
- US 214 Evolution: Conflicts from Darwin to Intelligent Design
- US 215 Truth and Beauty: Mathematics in Literature
- US 216 Social and Ethical Issues in Sports
- US 220 Education Stories: Films about Schools and What They Teach Us
- US 221 We Inquire We Design
- US 222 Everything & Nothing: Visualizing Math, Philosophy & Culture
- US 225 Outcasts, Rebels and Other Normal People
- US 226 Shakespeare on Stage, Page and Screen in 21st Century
- US 228 Science in Visual Arts
- US 229 3-Dimentional Programming and Storytelling with Alice
- US 230 International Computer Ethics
- US 233 Copy!-Right? Creativity and Copyright
- US 234 Representations of the Spanish Civil War
- US 235 Born Digital: Voice of the Net Generation
- US 236 Christian, Jewish and Muslim Spain: From Eden to Exile
- US 237 The Impacts of Music, Film & Digital Media on Social Movements
- US 238 Rethinking Children’s Animated Films
- US 239 Artist, Activist, Deep-Sea Diver: The Role of the Poet in Society
- US 241 Invisible Women: An Exploration of Female Entrepreneurship
- US 242 Place, Space and the Global World: Exploring Immigrants and Identity
- US 244 Ear Cleaning: Form, Pattern, Experience
- US 245 Music & Story Telling
- US 246 Investigating Fusion Forms in Performing Arts
- US 248 Flying Solo: The Art of Solo Performance
- US 249 Princesses and Super Heroes: How Media Shape Children’s Gender and Sexuality
- US 250 Exploring Art in Philadelphia
- US 251 The Hero Culture: A Quest for Truth
- US 253 Science Fiction and Social Reality
- US 254 Coming Out: Claiming Our True Identities
- US 255 Grand Constructions; Stonehenge to Skyscrapers
- US 256 Lying Maps (& Other Spatial Fictions)
- US 257 Chinese Film: A Window on China
- US 258 African American Religious History: From Slavery-Free
- US 259 Japanese Cinema and Anime (4 credits)
- US 261 Representations of the Holocaust
- US 262 Sex, Sin & Kin: The Genesis, Evolution and Future of Gender
- US 263 Postcolonialism on Screen
- US 264 Humor in Black & White: Multicultural Responses to Social Issues
- US 265 Jewish Humor
- US 266 Understanding the Age of Genocide
- US 267 Evil and its Controversies
- US 268 Utopia/Dystopia
- US 269 Steampunk Difference Engines
- US 270 First Amendment Abridged
- US 271 Great Cases in International Law
- US 272 Getting It Off Your Chest
- US 273 Visual Propaganda of Armed Conflict
- US 275 Scientific Ethics
- US 276 The Secret Symbols of Pop Culture
- US 277 Pop Psychology and Pseudoscience: What is Credible?
- US 280 Exploring Entrepreneurship in the Arts
- US 281 Drawing Connections: The History and Practice of Drawing
- US 282 Silence
- US 284 Arts & Culture Leadership and Management
- US 288 Psychology of Music
- US 290 Science Fiction, Fantasy & the Environment
- US 291 Stocking Up for the End of Days
- US 292 Sociology of the Simpsons
- US 294 Fashion, Italian Style
- US 298 Kitchen Chemistry
- US 333 Rites of Passage