Feb 12, 2025
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ED 419 Undergraduate Student Teaching Practicum, Art Ed, K-12 (8 credits) Student teaching practicum to include 14 weeks of full-time teaching in an accredited school and attendance at nine on-campus seminars. Includes supervision by an Arcadia University faculty member. Students must provide transportation to the school. Applications are due at the beginning of the semester prior to student teaching. Deadline dates are Oct. 1 for the spring semester and Feb. 1 for the fall semester.
Prerequisite: AE 300 , AE 308 , and senior standing. GPA of 3.0 or higher, completion of all Praxis series certification tests, senior standing and permission of the Director of School and Community Collaborations. Note: Applications must be submitted early in the fall semester of the senior year for placements in the spring of the senior year.