Aug 31, 2024  
2020-21 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-21 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

MU 187 Performance Study Studio Workshop MU187W & Performance Study Private Lesson MU187 instrument number

(1 credit each, 2 total credits)
This one hour, one credit class (MU187W) is required in addition to the weekly one- hour private lesson (MU187 instrument number) that is scheduled independently with the instructor. Students will become active participants and demonstrate their technique in a performance setting. By working with their instructors and observing other class members, they will grow and hone their performance skills. Each student will perform a minimum of two times per semester in class.

Private lesson instruction is offered for piano, voice, guitar, and all orchestral, band and jazz instruments. Students interested in music lessons for credit must take a weekly one hour lesson and a weekly one hour studio workshop that consist of lectures, performance and master classes in music. The weekly private lesson is scheduled independently with the instructor. May be taken more than once for credit.  Students are billed a performance music fee above regular tuition cost.  The fee is equal to the tuition for one undergrtaduate credit.  This should be seen as a great value as private instruction outside the university is considerably higher.