Jun 26, 2024  
2020-21 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-21 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • FR 389 Independent Study: French

    (2 to 4 credits)
    In-depth study of an author, movement, genre, or theme.

    Prerequisite: Senior standing with 30 credits already approved a minimum GPA of 3.0, consent from a faculty to direct the course, and authorization from the chair.
  • FR 490 French Senior Thesis I

    This is a Capstone project for senior French majors, exploring French cultural issues, both inside and outside of the United States. Seminar format, culminates in a project consisting of 20 to 25 pages written in French and a public presentation. The course develops along one year (Fall, 4 credits; Spring, 2 credits), and the theme must be approved by the instructor.

    Prerequisite: All previous major courses requirements completed, and Senior Standing.
  • FR 491 French Senior Thesis II

    (2 credits)
    This is a second semester course culminating in the conclusion of your thesis and final capstone presentation

    Prerequisite: French 490

Global Connections Reflection

  • GCR 101 Global Connections Reflection

    (2 credits)
    This on-line course is the companion course to the Global Connections Experience. This is an important requirement in Arcadia’s Undergraduate Curriculum. All students complete this course while engaging in an experience in a cultural context different from the one in which they grew up (locally, nationally or internationally). This course assists students in reflecting on the interconnections, interdependence, and inequality they encounter during the experience in working to understand the world and their place in it.

    Corequisite: While taking this course, students must be involved in an approved Global Connections Experience. There are no prerequisites.  Students are advised to have completed this course, or equivalent, by the end of their first semester, senior year. International students must complete the GCR requirement by the end of their first year at Arcadia.  Their GCE study abroad is their experience at Arcadia’s Glenside campus and can be used in conjunction with GCR101. 

Global Field Study

  • GFS 281 International Research Experience

    (1-4 credits, by arrangement)
    This course is similar to an independent research project within specific disciplines. It is designed for students who have developed a significant project and have a faculty sponsor.  In addition, a faculty member leading a small group of students on an international research experience may apply for this course designation.

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor (or faculty sponsor) only. Instructors are to review the guidelines with the student and approve the project prior to the research being undertaken. Proposals for GFS281 are to be submitted to the Office of International Programs.  They should also be submitted to the Chair and College Dean for approval.  Courses taken for fewer than three credits are not eligible for AUC requirements.
  • GFS 301 Americans in Paris

    In the 1920s, Paris became an important site of pilgrimage for young American writers like Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gertrude Stein, Langston Hughes, Djuna Barnes, and Ezra Pound. In this course we will read fiction and poetry they wrote in and about Paris and ask questions like: What was it like to be an American writer in Paris? How did the realities of French life compare to the Paris the expatriates had imagined, and to the United States they left behind? In the month of May we will take our own trip to the City of Light, retracing the steps of people like Hughes, Hemingway, and Stein, and having our own expatriate experiences. Optional GCE & GCR credit is available for students who would like to earn it as part of this course. (Special travel fee applies.)

    Prerequisite: Minimum of sophomore standing, application required.
  • GFS 303 Biodesign Machu Picchu

    You will investigate and explore the 15th century Inca settlement of Machu Picchu and nearby regions.  The existence of the Inca people in the Andean region of southern Peru has been documented as early as 1200 A.D. and the Inca Empire, that extended from modern-day Columbia to central Chile, includes vastly different ecosystems with unique flora and fauna, climate, resources, and terrain. The Inca were masterful at integrating the elements of regional ecosystems with architectural features in the establishment of new settlements. In preparation for our study abroad, we will challenge students to conceive and design a hypothetical human settlement/city that integrates features of a specific ecosystem. Our in-country experience will take us to numerous archaeological sites that exemplify the integration of environment and design. Among our many excursions in this region, we will hike a part of the Inca Trail from Chachabamba to Aguas Calientes to Machu Picchu and will tour Huayna Picchu. We will also visit the archeological ruins of Pisac, Illantaytambo and Chincheros, and travel by boat to the islands of Uros and Amantani, as well as visit a number of small towns in the region.  Through our research and experiences, we will learn about the enduring aspects of Inca culture including agriculture, engineering, and community organization.


    Prerequisite: Must be at a moderate to high level of fitness as the hikes are strenuous and at altitude.  This course is limited to juniors, seniors and graduate students


  • GFS 304 Divided Cities in Cyprus

    This course explores three themes related to the peace and conflict resolution on the divided island of Cyprus: Division, governance, and reconciliation. Together, we will explore the historical context of the conflict and the impact of its legacy on daily life, the various proposals to address the grievances of the different communities, including the various proposals from the UN and the EU to govern the Island. To counter the narrative of division, the course examines the various points that bring the different communities together out of the necessity of inhabiting “shared space,” visiting practitioner organizations on the ground that work toward peace and reconciliation through grassroots initiatives and public health outreach. (Special travel fee applies.)

    Prerequisite: Minimum of junior standing, application required.
  • GFS 305 Spain’s Pilgrimage: The Camino

    Students in this course will undertake a portion of the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela, Spain. We will be starting in the province of Lugo (Sarria) and walking 70 miles in 6 days which is the least amount of distance to still get official credit in Spain and a certificate for having walked the Road to Santiago. Students will be provided with a training schedule and a group trainer during the semester to make sure that they are in optimal physical shape to begin the endeavor. This pilgrimage was, and is, one of the holiest journeys dating from the Middle Ages. Current participants speak of the discovery of spirituality, the connection with nature, and a way to meet people from all over the world. We will end the journey at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela and spend two days discovering the wonder of this World Heritage Site. The total time of the trip will be 10 days. The academic portion of the course will focus on travel narratives, pilgrimages, and contemporary Spain. There will also be much emphasis placed on the relationship between physical hardship, team building, and spirituality through observations of nature. This course can count towards the major or minor in Spanish.

  • GFS 306 Marine Biology and Cultural History of the Fijian Archipelago

    This is a short international course on the marine biology and cultural history of Figi. It has a weeklong field trip either over spring break (Sat to Sat) or after graduation in May. We will explore the marine biology and cultural history during our six-class meeting and the field component. We will have four class meetings prior to the trip and two when we return. This is a global experience course with a global reflection option. This is a remote biology field station with eco-camp living quarters and full lab facilities including water tables and microscopes for sample processing. We will be taking daily trips to explore key marine habitats and cultural sites of the Island. These trips include hikes and snorkeling to explore the various marine communities and cultural ruins of the island. During these excursions, we will lean about the different habitats and learn to identify both the marine plants since these are less well characterized. Evening activities will include lectures by island experts, campfires and other lab activities. (Special travel fee applies.)

    Minimum of junior standing, application required.

    Prerequisite: An interest in nature, marine biology and/or Caribbean culture is essential. Trip includes rigorous daily hikes and snorkeling thus one needs to be in reasonable physical shape and be a capable swimmer. This will be accessed during the first class meeting using an in pool swimming test. Snorkeling and water safety will be taught in the two required pre-sessions.
  • GFS 307 Social Justice in the African Diaspora

    The course aims to investigate the contemporary social justice issues in American society, examine contemporary manifestations of past and present human exploitation, particularly institutionalized and internalized racism, sexism, and classism and deepen students’ understanding of the ways human needs and social structures interact and influence intergroup behavior. Through interdisciplinary study and Intergroup Dialogue, a well-known and successful model for promoting democratic dialogue, action and civic engagement in the context of diversity, a local Global Reflections cultural experience in the African and African American communities in Philadelphia and study abroad in Ghana, West Africa. 

    Prerequisite: Minimum of junior standing, application required.
  • GFS 308 Dominica: A Developing Caribbean Nation

    The trip to Dominica will take you out of your comfort zone and will strengthen you in more ways than you can imagine. It will open your mind and give you the chance to really see how other cultures live. Less developed regions of the world can be difficult to witness firsthand, but there’s no better way to change your perspective on life than to witness how little people in the rest of the world have and live with on a daily basis. Moreover, you will have an opportunity to visit and interact with factories, power plants, organic farming, community leaders, politicians, entrepreneurs, local citizens and high ranking civil servants.

  • GFS 309 Biodesign Atacama

    This course is an interdisciplinary investigation and exploration of the extreme environment of the Atacama Desert of Northern Chile. During the semester students are introduced to the core concepts of evolution and decent through modification, which lays the groundwork for the final, creative group project. Students will also engage in an in depth study of Chilean culture and history through group presentations, lectures, films, field trips, guest interviews and class discussions on an array of issues pertaining to the Chilean experience, including politics, economics, religion, history, art, astronomy, literature, cuisine, music, film and dance. 

    During the field portion of the course, students travel to the high altitude Atacama Desert in northern Chile to begin a series of explorations into the surrounding landscape investigating the local flora and fauna and documenting evidence of organism survival. These excursions also lead us in an intense engagement with the extreme and majestic landscape wherein we witness a host of unique and rare, natural phenomena, as well as important archeological sites. During non-class hours, students will experience the singular charm of the small desert town of San Pedro de Atacama. The field portion culminates with a collaborative group project in which students conceive, describe and visualize, through drawings and sketches, a hypothetical organism capable of flourishing in this extreme environment. 

    The course concludes with a one-day visit to Chile’s capital city of Santiago.

  • GFS 312 Promoting Youth Leadership Development in USA and South Africa

    Youth worldwide are the future leaders in their respective countries and imperative is their well-being and development so that they may later assume leadership roles. This course utilizes the ideals and principles of Positive Youth Development (PYD) to promote healthy developmental outcomes among youth in post-Civil Rights U.S.A. and post-apartheid South Africa, an emerging democracy. Course content considers PYD for improving education, (physical and behavioral) health, and community building among youth in contemporary U.S.A. and South Africa.

    Course topics include (1) historical, cultural, and social contexts to understand and contrast youth developmental outcomes (in education, health, and community) across countries, (2) social class-, race-, and gender-related disparities in youth developmental outcomes in both countries and (3) organizations and youth programs in both countries.

    The class will travel to South Africa during May 2016 to visit historic sites relevant for youth leadership and development such as former prison on Robben Island, residential townships (e.g., SOWETO), gov’t buildings in Pretoria, and museums (e.g., The Apartheid Museum; District Six; Hector Pieterson); among other sites are Table Mountain, penguin colony at Boulder Beach, and Cape Point/Cape of Good Hope. Students will work with staff at an NGO in Cape Town region where youth and families are served. Guest speakers, video presentations, and interactive classroom activities supplement course material and facilitate preparation for travel to South Africa.

    This course requires an additional travel fee.

  • GFS 314 Asian America from Coast to Coast: San Francisco and Philadelphia

    This course is an introduction to the sociology of persons of Asian descent living in the United States, examining important historical events and ongoing challenges facing the Asian American community today. The course will study a variety of localities spanning the US, but will specifically focus on Greater Philadelphia and San Francisco. The course includes travel to San Francisco for field study.  This course requires a special travel fee.


  • GFS 315 Language and Society in Costa Rica

    The primary focus of this course is on the relationships between language and society by collecting and analyzing field data on the Boruca language, society, and its people in Costa Rica.  Some of the main topics discussed include: how we acquire languages, language loss and death, the social reasons and impacts of language loss, language and political identity, language and societal conflict, the efforts of revitalization by groups who have suffered this loss, second language acquisition theory, and how sociolinguistic research is conducted. After becoming familiar with the major findings of research studies that have examined these topics, you will be guided on how to prepare for data collection of your own. In the field, students will meet professors and students in Costa Rica who study indigenous languages, observe Boruca classes and interact with members of the Boruca community, as well as spend time exploring the natural beauty of Costa Rica through a guided boat tour and trips to national parks and a working organic coffee plantation.

    Prerequisite: Students must be at least in their second year of undergraduate study to enroll.
  • GFS 316 In the Footsteps of Jan Austen

    Despite her limited number of publications and early death, Jane Austen has become a global cultural phenomenon.  This Global Field Study will examine Jane Austen and her works from a geo-critical perspective, meaning that we will explore how place and space have influenced how she lived and what she wrote.   During the in-class portion of the course, we will read 3 or 4 of Jane Austen novels, view modern film adaptations, and read Jane’s letters, a biography, and a series of non-fiction readings that discuss the physical locations and cultural era in which Austen lived and wrote.  Then, by immersing ourselves in Jane Austen’s birthplace and walking in both, her real and literary footsteps, we will gain a better understanding of what it means to be a product of our own environment.  The novels we will read coincide with the geographical locations that we will visit.  For example, Pride and Prejudice is set in the countryside (similar to Hampshire county) and London, and Northanger Abbey and Persuasion are set in Bath. Though there will be various writing assignments throughout the semester, the final project will be a travel article detailing our experiences abroad.   


  • GFS 317 Inspired by the View: The Beauty and Boldness of Ireland

    Reflection and introspection are essential to thinking creatively, regardless your field of study. Explore the history, culture and ecological make-up of the West of Ireland’s Burren region.  Discover the artists, writers and ecologists who have drawn inspiration from this unique landscape and the history of Ireland in this region.  Seminars and various outdoor expeditions emphasize how art, literature, and science continues to live beyond the confines of the studio or lab, but are shaped and influenced by its environment; aesthetically, politically and culturally.  Through projects, presentations and writing, students convey their reflections on the experience of this Irish landscape, its history and the people.  Course meets weekly and includes a four- week stay in the West of Ireland. Open to sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students.

    Includes: airfare, accommodations (for all 4 weeks), studio access, some transportation, and various expeditions.  This course requires an additional travel fee. 

  • GFS 319 International Perspective of Forensic Science

    This course introduces the history and evolution of forensic science and the framework of international standards within forensic science.  We examine how forensic science is practiced in the UK, the strengths and weaknesses of the US and UK systems and how the discipline is changing in each country.  The course culminates in a field trip starting Glasgow, Scotland and finishing in London, England.  Through site visits and guest speakers, students will gain insight into the forensic profession as it exists in the UK, UK laboratory practice, forensic standards and regulations in the UK and Europe, the presentation of forensic evidence in British courts.

  • GFS 381 International Experience

    (2-4 credits)
    Upper-level seminar that studies a particular topic within the context of a culture other than that of the United States. University regulations define the number of contact hours for a course.  The culture studied and the thematic focus varies based on the faculty offering the course (Special travel fee applies.) Courses taken for fewer than three credits are not eligible for AUC requirements.

  • GFS 401 Conflict, Governance, and State Building: The Balkans

    The course introduces students to key concepts of post-conflict governance and state building. It will concentrate on politics and political solutions to conflicts, including those stemming from improved domestic governance and international post-conflict governance. The students will attain better understanding of the state, institutional causes of ethnic conflict, the role of government in causing and resolving conflict, problems of post-conflict state building, key aspects of inclusive governance in multiethnic societies, power sharing, and minority accommodation and integration.

    The course will explore key aspects of a case of a recent ethnic conflict in the Balkans: the roots and causes of the conflict, its history and consequences, the role of the international community, and post-conflict institution building. The course includes a field study to the Balkans visiting with leaders on both sides of the conflict: senior government officials, party leaders, local mayors, conflict resolution professionals, as well as U.S. and European diplomats. (Special travel fee applies.)

    Prerequisite: Background in Political Science, History, or related field; minimum of senior standing, application required.

  • PRV 181 International Experience (Preview)

    2 credits
    Each spring semester, 10 – 14 Preview courses provide an introduction to a different  culture through study of a particular global topic. These two credit courses meet once per week  January through April; embedded within the semester is a group field study visit to the country/region of focus. The culture studied and the thematic focus varies based on the faculty offering the course. (Intended for first-year students, and new transfer students; special travel fee applies.



    Prerequisite: Application required in October; students must have valid passport by Thanksgiving for travel.  All students must be in good academic and disciplinary standing to remain eligible. 


  • GM 101 Beginning German I

    Introductory course in German. Provides training in understanding, speaking, reading and writing German through use of culturally oriented materials. At the end of GM 102 , students are expected to advance to an intermediate-low level according to ACTFL standards. Computer-assisted practice using state of- the-art digital laboratory.

  • GM 102 Beginning German II

    Introductory course in German. Provides training in understanding, speaking, reading and writing German through use of culturally oriented materials. At the end of GM 102, students are expected to advance to an intermediate-low level according to ACTFL standards. Computer-assisted practice using state of- the-art digital laboratory.

    Prerequisite: GM 101  or equivalent
  • GM 201 Intermediate German I

    Continued practice in German conversation, reading and writing. Focuses on language and cultural understanding. At the end of GM 201 students are expected to advance to an intermediate-mid level according to ACTFL standards.

    Prerequisite: GM 102  or equivalent.
  • GM 202 Intermediate German Language and Culture I

    Continuation of Intermediate German I with class discussions based on reading of contemporary material. Geared to increase cultural understanding and to work on troublesome language issues. Audio cassettes and videos included in program. At the end of GM 202, students are expected to advance to an intermediate-high level according to ACTFL standards. 

    Prerequisite: GM 201  or equivalent.
  • GM 203 German Conversation

    Students will fine-tune their language skills by interpreting German films. Through film, the students will address some of the main challenges in German society today by discussing such topics as history, the individual, immigrant integration into society, and relations between East and west. We will also work on difficult aspects of German grammar. Learning vocabulary, especially the idiomatic use of German, will be emphasized.

    Prerequisite: GM 201  
  • GM 285 Special Topics in German

    (2 or 4 credits)
    Exploration of selected topics such as German civilization: history, geography, literature, art and culture. Topics vary according to student and faculty interests.

    Prerequisite: GM 202 .
  • GM 326 German Culture Through Film

    This course examines different aspects of German culture through film. Students will discuss the representations of cultural practices and historical events in Weimar cinema, New German Films, and newer movies directed after reunification. Through the analysis of these films, students will gain insights into the construction national identity and will also search for new directions which don’t revolve around the imagined community of the nation. We will deal with expressions of alterity, terrorism, state power, ideological conceptions of East Germany, and gender as well as with artistic expressions of metropolitan areas. The course is conducted in English, however, German minors can submit written work in German.

Healthcare Administration

  • HA 150 Introduction to Healthcare Services

    This foundation course provides an overview of the current health delivery system, including healthcare institutions, long-term care, health manpower, financing and managed care. Students also are introduced to diverse topics such as quality care, healthcare planning/policy and ethics.

  • HA 320 Healthcare Planning and Policy

    This course covers the theoretical and historical foundations of healthcare planning and policy development as well as current concepts and controversies provide the basis for this course. Case studies provide an opportunity for students to apply both healthcare strategic planning models and policy development skills.

    Prerequisite: HA 150 , BA 201 , and junior standing.
  • HA 385 Selected Topics in Healthcare Administration

    This senior-level course provides the Healthcare Administration major with up-to-date perspectives on current issues such as reimbursement, healthcare financial management compliance, healthcare marketing, healthcare laws, healthcare ethics, and healthcare systems design.

    Prerequisite: HA 320  or permission of the instructor.
  • HA 470 Internship in Healthcare Administration

    Students will complete 100+ hours of internship work in a professional healthcare setting. The internship course is designed to have the student apply academic concepts in a work environment. The student is required to find and secure a legitimate internship related to his/her major and career goals. In addition to the work component at the internship site location, the student will complete several assignments designed to help bridge the transition from college to career.

    Prerequisite: HA 320 , completion of two 300-level HA courses, and completion of 75 credits. Students who do not meet the pre-requisites must gain permission from the department Chair.
  • HA 490 Seminar in Healthcare Administration

    This Capstone course in Healthcare Administration requires students to see organizations from a total management point of view and to integrate their learning from prior courses. The students work in teams to generate a business plan for an organization in the healthcare industry.

    Prerequisite: BA 340 BA 380 , HA 320 , senior standing or permission of the Program Chair.


  • HN 201 The Study of Self and Teams

    This course focuses on students learning to own their strengths and to use them to enable their own success and those of their teammates.  It exposes students to presentations by leaders in various fields, and provides opportunities to interview these leaders. Students also face weekly leadership mini-challenges/hypothetical situations that require ongoing leadership skill development and teamwork. A portfolio of metacognitive reflections is required to complete the class.

  • HN 202 Honors Project

    (2 credits)
    With guidance from a teaching team, including one of the Honors Program advisers and a mentor, a student selects and pursues an independent project outside his or her major area of study. Projects encourage students to explore and develop their own various talents and interests.

  • HN 380L The Color of Poverty

    The course is designed to connect the classroom to the community through service learning and collaborative leadership experiences. The focus is to create a mindfulness among students regarding issues of social justice and how to address them through a creative and compassionate lens. Students will research and discuss issues that affect the global community, such as sex trafficking, child brides, clean water issues, and access to healthcare in developing countries.  They will also learn how aesthetic entrpreneurship can be used to make an impact in the social justice context. Students will be provided the opportunity to use the arts to influence social impact locally and globally and use their leadership strengths to influence change.

  • HN 390 Honors Colloquia

    Honors Colloquia focus on interdisciplinary topics. These courses are designed specifically for Honors students. Topics vary across the disciplines. Some Honors HN 390 courses are specifically designed to have a leadership (L) focus. These classes typically include community partnership; intensive use of outside resources; focus on teamwork, problem solving and other skills needs to develop proficiency in leadership.

    Prerequisite: Juniors and seniors in the Honors Program and open to sophomores with prior approval of the Honors Program Directors.
  • HN 391L Music, Art and Memory

    This is an Honors seminar examining the nature of memory and its role in forming our individual identities, focusing particularly on the role of art and music in making, retaining and retrieving memories. The central project of this course involves partnering with an elder in the beginning stages of memory loss at a local long-term care center. Through weekly visits including conversation, collaborative artwork, and musical exploration, students help elders relive some of their most treasured memories. Each student creates a personalized collection of music for their partner. Students also create visual projects that interpret some of their partner’s memories. Students share these music collections and visual projects in a public, end-of semester show before presenting them to the elders. In addition to this final project, students write weekly reflective journal entries, responses to readings, and a longer final reflective paper.

  • HN 393L Honors Preceptorial: DIY

    Many people agree that the best way to learn something is to teach it to yourself and then to someone else. It is this ideology that underlies the offering of Honors Preceptorial. At the end of this class, students should feel empowered to answer and master any topic or problem presented to them. In order for this to happen, in this class students pick the topic of the course (with some restrictions), create a course outline, research units, design learning objectives, create lesson plans, and then teach and assess one another. The professor guides and facilitates this process. Students learn how to learn. The take responsibility for their own motivation and enable others to be motivated. They use their creativity to innovate lessons plans to accomplish objectives and create a classroom that is fair and equitable and respectful of the leadership learning objectives of the class.

  • HN 394 Is A Picture Really Worth 1,000 Words?

    The link between discovery (including self-discovery) and visual record keeping is both strong and longstanding. This seminar will offer students the chance to read from the journals of a number of adventurers, famous and obscure, real and fictional, all of whom used drawings to supplement their writing. Along with this, students will investigate ways to record information pictorially, and produce a bound, illustrated journal representing a personal “voyage of discovery.”

  • HN 395L TEDx Arcadia University: The Big Idea!

    Students will conduct research and participate in the selection process of potential speakers [in the Philadelphia area] who are the movers and shakers with innovative “Ideas Worth Spreading.”  They will correspond and work one-on-one with the speakers as they prepare their individual TEDx Talks. In addition to co-organizing every aspect of the TEDx Arcadia University Conference including: fund raising, marketing, speaker format, program schedule, researching and analyzing and collecting primary and support materials for the conference, students will collaborate and create their own dynamic TEDx Arcadia University2017: THE BIG IDEA Talks that they will present at the Conference. They will also create a video/paper final project that chronicles their experience.

  • HN 396L Radical Arts

    Radical Arts reinforces the belief that cultural and creative expression can make an impact as a means to affect deep and lasting social change.  Philadelphia has a robust artistic community and a great many practitioners who are of Social Conscience.  Through the arts, we can challenge many of our society’s deepest assumptions and build upon the power of artistic creation and expression to spark new ideas, catalyze critical thinking, elicit new actions, inspire individuals and create visions for the future.  Students in this course will become practitioners, evaluators, partners and researchers in the areas covered in Radical Arts.  They will become partners (through a practicum experience) with a selected number of Fine and Performing Arts organizations whose mission is to use the fine and performing arts to practice social change.

  • HN 397 The Higher Vibrations of Reality

    Psychokinesis, clairvoyance, pre-birth memories, out-of-body experiences, telepathy—are documented by cultures all over the world, but are considered pseudoscientific by most mainstream scientists. This course investigates accounts and analyses of parapsychological experiences to try to determine whether the scientific community’s view of the available research is paradigmatic or the result of conclusive evidence. We will also practice (and learn the neurological benefits of) spiritually-based mind-enhancing techniques. 

  • HN 397l A Closer Look at the Extinction of Earth’s Edibles

    This class will study the history of the Slow Food Movement especially as it pertains to the preservation of unique ecosystems, the recovering of traditional processing methods and the safeguarding of native livestock breeds and local plant communities.  Case studies will include an examination of various cultures and their food practices – not just the items of food themselves but the traditions associated with cultivating and preparing the foods as well.  Examples include South African raw milk cheese, the Argania tree from Morocco and the milpa method of agricultural production in Central America.  In addition, students will become familiar with the Ark of Taste and its mission which is, in part, to “provide an ethnobotanical and historical characterization of cultivars, local breeds and products as a measure for the recognition of what is typical and/or traditional” as applied to the production of food.

  • HN 398 Eat, Memory: Reading, Watching & Writing Food Memoir

    We all have to eat, right? However, food in our culture has become more than just about eating, it’s become art, entertainment and a personal and political statement. Another hot cultural phenomenon is the popularity of the memoir, explorations of themes and moments in people’s personal lives. We’ll also look at how food is intimately connected to memory, both physIn this class we will read food memoirs by writers such as Diana Abu Jabar, Ntozake Shange, MFK Fisher and other and we’ll write our own as well. We’ll exercise our senses with tastings and smellings (?, have field trips and guest speakers.  For the final project we will write a short memoir about, make, and share in a communal feast the recpies that are connected to our memories and identity. As the French chef and writer Brillat-Savarin said, “Tell me what you eat, and I’ll tell you who you are.”


  • HS 102 Medieval Civilization

    This study of the early historical foundations of present-day nations in Europe surveys the collapse of the western Roman Empire; Barbarian settlements in Europe; the Byzantine world and problems with the West; the expansion of the Arabic world; and the growth of England, France, Germany and the Papacy.

  • HS 104 European Civilization, 1789 to Present

    In this study of the evolution of modern Europe from the French Revolution to the present, topics include: rise of nationalism; new political ideologies; imperialism; world wars; consumer and sexual revolutions; the Cold War; the fall of communism; terrorism and the recent turmoil in West/non-West relations.

  • HS 108 World History: 5000 BCE to 1400 C

    This course is a survey of world history from its origins until the 16th century C.E. It will cover the dawn of civilizations through the Renaissance.  The course emphasizes social, cultural, economic, and political developments on the Asian, American, European, African and Pacific island landmasses. A special emphasis is given to comparing cultures over time and space. The rise and decline of major civilizations, the transition from an agrarian to an urban economy, the role of women, and the origins of globalization are some of the major features discussed.

  • HS 110 The West in the World, From the Great Voyages of Discovery to 9/11

    This course typically examines the rise to global power of the West (primarily Europe and North America and their offshoots) after about 1500, its impact on the world, and the response of non-Western societies, until and including 9/11. Topics may include the Spanish conquest of central and south America; the trans-Atlantic slave trade; the Opium Wars against imperial China; the world wars; the decline of Europe’s overseas empires and the rise of the superpowers (the United States and the Soviet Union); the liberal transformation of the United States (1950s-1970s); U.S. foreign policy and the 9/11 attacks.

  • HS 117 American History to 1865

    This course is a summary of the colonial period, followed by more intensive study of the revolutionary, early national and middle periods, It includes lectures, readings and discussions on such topics as constitutional development; territorial expansion; foreign relations; political parties; social, economic and intellectual movements and the origins and course of the Civil War.

  • HS 118 American History Since 1865

    This study of the evolution of modern America from the Civil War considers the impact on American life of such developments as reconstruction, industrial growth, overseas expansion, social and political movements, economic depressions and the emergence of the United States as a world power.

  • HS 130 Modern Mediterranean World

    (also listed as IS 130 )

    This course enables students to become knowledgeable about the geopolitically strategic as well as social-cultural importance of the Mediterranean region, both historically and in the modern era. Students learn about the strategic waterways, land, and air routes, the Suez Canal, and the nature of war and peace and how the conflicts in the region have affected global peace, stability and security. The course examines the Arab-Israeli conflict, the impact of immigration and migration into the European Union, trade patterns, and cultural, ethnic, religious, and linguistic identities and how they affect regional relations.

  • HS 201 History Research Writing

    This course provides students an intensive introduction to discipline-focused research and writing in History. Students are introduced to a variety of types of primary and secondary sources. They learn about how to search for and locate these different sources, how to evaluate them, and how to utilize the sources in their research-based writing. Students learn how to develop research projects from the initial topic of interest through to the final written product; this work includes the generation of research proposals, re-drafting of papers, and practice in formulating different kinds of arguments depending on audience, sources, and written form.

  • HS 211 The Modern Middle East

    (also listed as PS 212 )

    This survey of the history, culture, religion and politics of the region in the modern era includes study of the growth of nationalism and creation of sovereign states, the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Palestinian problem, war, terrorism, and the impact of foreign powers.

  • HS 216 Modern East Asia

    This course examines the modern histories of China and Japan in the Age of Western Imperialism. It seeks to explain why China fell into turmoil and turned to communism while Japan embraced modernization to become an economic superpower. Focus may vary on Japan or China, but their interconnection is stressed, as is the impact on east Asia by the Western Great Powers, especially Britain and the United States. Also discussed is how Japan has become a global pop culture powerhouse and how China has begun its own march toward global economic power

  • HS 218 Modern Africa/South Africa

    This course focuses on the nature of the European/African relationship in the modern era. Topics covered include the trans-Atlantic slave trade, European colonial takeover of Africa in the 19th century, Africa’s recovery of independence in the 20th century, and contemporary problems of wars, ethnic conflict and HIV/AIDS. Also discussed is how and why European powers were able to take control of the continent and the impact this had on Africa and Africans. Special focus is on South Africa and the rise and fall of Apartheid as a case study.

  • HS 220 Ancient Civilization

    This course is a survey of cultural changes in the Neolithic and Sumerian societies of the Near East, life in Pharaonic Egypt, the world of pre-classical and classical Greece, and the growth of Rome from village to Empire.

  • HS 224 Conflict and Inequality in Latin America

    (also listed as IS 225 )

    This class presents an overview of Latin America by focusing on the historical processes and contemporary socio-political practices that produce conflict and inequality in the region. Why has a region so rich in resources been historically underdeveloped? What issues have recurred across contexts as causes of conflict and inequality in the region? And how have people mobilized to address these causes? Through an examination of several specific case studies, from the Zapatista rebellion in Mexico to community health care activism in Chile, we will explore the similarities and differences in the nature of conflict and inequality found in countries across Latin America. As part of this, we will consider the role the United States has played in shaping the political economy of the region.

  • HS 225 World War II

    This course surveys the rise of Fascism, Nazi Germany and Japanese expansionist policies leading to World War II; the course of the war; how and why Japan, Italy and Germany were defeated; the peace settlements; and the enduring legacy of the conflict.

  • HS 228 America as Empire

    This course examines the evolution of the United States’ complex relationship with the rest of the world during the 20th and early 21st centuries – both how the United States impacted other nations and how other nations impacted the United States. This history of the United States’ multi-dimensional international presence explores traditional political and military topics but also traces the flow of such things as money, people, ideas, armaments, consumer products, natural resources, and culture back and forth between the United States and the rest of the world.

  • HS 230 Cultural History of Modern Africa

    This cultural history of contemporary Africa explores how political and economic processes have historically influenced social structures, institutions and cultural patterns. We look at imperialism, colonialism, independence, international aid, economic globalization and various global conflicts all of which have shaped and been shaped by the history of the continent. The course focuses on three interrelated themes: cultural processes and social institutions just prior to European colonization of Africa, the ruptures of these cultural processes and social institutions caused by colonialism, and the legacy of the ruptures during the post-colonial era. We pay particular attention to the integration of Africa with other parts of the world and the centrality of Africa to global political, economic and social processes.

  • HS 234 Modern Russia: Tsars to Stalin

    This study of Russia from the late 19th century to the death of Stalin emphasizes the decline of imperial Russia and the rise of the communist regime. The key questions of the course are: How and why did the Czarist regime fall into decline and fall? Why was there a communist revolution in 1917? How was communism able to consolidate its grip on Russia? How did Stalin rise to dominate the communist regime for so long? How did all this impact people’s lives? What have been Stalin’s impact and legacy?

  • HS 235 Sports in America

    Sports are a multibillion dollar part of America culture in the 21st century. Sports have been integral to this nation’s development. This course traces how sports developed from informal activities to the spectacle of today’s professional sports and how they have impacted society. All of the social movements of the 20th century find sports as an important aspect, from the Progressive Era through the fight for homosexual rights. Students also view sports movies to analyze how sports and history are portrayed on film.

  • HS 238 Prejudice and Persecution in Western History

    This survey of prejudice and persecution in Western history focuses on the following: ancient Roman persecution of early Christians; the Great Witch Hunt in early modern Europe; Trans-Atlantic slave trade; Nazi holocaust against the Jews; and the destruction of Yugoslavia in the 1990s.

  • HS 239 United States Foreign Policy

    (also listed as PS 240  )

    This course covers the foreign policies of each U.S. presidential administration from Truman to the present day. Drawing extensively upon theories of foreign policy and detailed study of historical events, the course explores continuity and change in the crafting of foreign policy strategy and the implementation of policy over time.

  • HS 240 Jacksonian America and Second American Party System

    From 1828 to 1861, dramatic changes came to the United States led by the uniquely American Andrew Jackson. The politics of the country were transformed forever, and many issues that are still debated today were born during this era. This course looks into the political changes and issues that brought about the Second American Party system and the causes of its demise by the Civil War. This course also looks at the reform movements of the period and in some cases those that continue to the present day.

  • HS 242 America in the 1960s

    This course examines the political, social and cultural history of America during the 1960s era from 1954 to 1974. It considers a range of topics including the civil rights movement, the Great Society, the rise of the New Rights, the debate over Vietnam, feminism and sexual liberation movements, black power, the counterculture, the urban crisis, and white backlash. The course emphasizes the transformation of liberalism, the revitalization of conservatism, and the many tensions that both shaped the social movements of the times and profoundly transformed the nation.

  • HS 250 Inequality in Modern America

    (also listed as PS 250 )

    This course examines inequality in modern America, focusing primarily on economic inequality.  This class explores the state of inequality in the U.S. and the evolution of economic inequality over time.  Further, the course investigates the relationship between economic inequality and political inequality, examining how economic inequality affects civic engagement and political participation.  Finally, students will explore how and why participation matters for representative democracy, public policy, and governance.    

  • HS 260 F.D.R. to Obama: US Politics and Reform

    (also listed as PS 260 )

    This course explores American politics and domestic policy reforms from Presidents Franklin Roosevelt to Barack Obama by focusing on the evolution of American liberalisms and conservatisms. With a particular eye on understanding the contemporary political scene and how and why it emerged, students examine a range of eras including the New Deal, the Great Society and the tumultuous 1960s, the so-called “Reagan Revolution” of the 1980s and its consolidation under George W. Bush, as well as the meaning of Barack Obama’s presidency. Emphasis is given to the importance of and interrelationship between the political leaders, ideas and institutions that shape what different groups of Americans have wanted from their government and what government has provided for whom.

  • HS 265 Women in American Politics

    (Also listed as PS265)

    This course is designed to discuss women, gender, and American politics.  This course analyzes the participation of women in American public and political life.  From the fight for suffrage through Hillary Clinton’s nomination by the Democratic Party, the readings and discussions in this class are historical and contemporary, as well as theoretical and empirical.  

  • HS 285 Special Topics in History

    (3 or 4 credits)
    The content and prerequisites for this course vary on the nature of the topic covered.

  • HS 325 European Fascism: Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany

    This course focuses on Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. Origins, nature and demise of fascism are discussed. Particular attention is paid to the crisis that produced fascism; the nationalism and racism of the Italian and German movements; the nature and impact of each regime; the outbreak of World War II; the Nazi holocaust against the Jews; and the ongoing legacy of the era of fascism through to the present, in the form of neo-fascist and neo-Nazi movements.

  • HS 326 Hitler and Stalin—Age of Dictators

    A comparison of Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia, and of their respective leaders, Hitler and Stalin, this course examines the roots of Nazism and Communism; the personality development of Hitler and Stalin; their rise to power; what they did with their power; their great showdown in World War II; and the legacies and significance of Nazism and Communism to the modern world.

  • HS 329 American Political Thought

    (also listed as PS 330 )

    This is an examination of ways in which American political thinkers, leaders and contemporary commentators have dealt with the issues of power, equality, sovereignty and representation. It focuses on the relationship between abstract political concepts and practical politics in American political thinking.

    Prerequisite: Junior standing; or permission of the instructor. PS 101  American Politics strongly recommended.
  • HS 330 America from 1877-1945: Gilded Age to Global War

    This seminar is on selected political, economic, social and foreign policy problems in American history from the Progressive Movement to the end of World War II. It includes supervised reading, research and group discussions.

  • HS 331 Contemporary America, 1945 to Present

    This intensive seminar examines the events and issues of the post-war era. Possible topics for research and discussion include the Cold War, the Fair Deal, McCarthyism, Vietnam, the New Left, Watergate, Reagan and the revival of conservatism, the end of the Cold War, and America’s new status as the world’s sole superpower.

  • HS 335 The Vietnam Wars

    This course examines the origins, experiences, and consequences of the Vietnam War. Readings, discussions and assignments focus on the political, social, and military forces that shaped the contours of the conflicts between 1945 and 1975. Central themes include the emergence and evolution of Vietnamese nationalism, the global Cold War, the American anti-war movement, and how tens of millions of Southeast Asian and American lives were transformed by the conflicts. In addition, significant attention also is paid to the ways that the war has continued to have an important impact in the years since the cessation of fighting – from Vietnam’s postwar economic development and lingering social and environmental scars to the United States’ Vietnam-influenced foreign policy, domestic politics and popular culture.

  • HS 340 Ancient Greece, Homer to Alexander the Great

    This course is an introduction to the culture and key personalities of the ancient Greek world. The focus is on the achievements of ancient Greek civilization until Alexander the Great. Topics include: the emergence of Greek civilization; Homeric literature; the rise of Athens and Sparta; the wars against Persia; the flowering of classical culture; the Peloponnesian War; everyday life; sexuality; the status of women; the rise of Alexander the Great and his imperial conquests.

  • HS 341 Ancient Rome: Rise and Fall

    This course discusses the rise and fall of Ancient Rome and the emergence of early Christianity. Topics include: Rome’s rise to empire; gladiators; slavery; everyday life and sexuality; persecution of early Christianity; the rise and triumph of the Christian Church; and the destruction of the Western Roman empire by German invasions.

  • HS 342 The Italian Renaissance

    What was the Italian Renaissance, and what kind of society produced it? This course ranges widely across this famous phenomenon, including art, politics, sex and religion. Topics include: the origins of the Renaissance; Florence, the leading city; Leonardo da Vinci; Michelangelo; the lives of women, and how and why the Renaissance came to an end.

  • HS 345 Urban and Suburban America

    This seminar explores the development of urban society in North America from colonial commercial towns to today’s troubled network of older metropolitan centers and suburbs. Topics for discussion may include the shaping of modern cities through growth, migration, and politics; cultures—ethnic, class, commercial, and otherwise—of the city; suburbanization and the “urban crisis;” and the future of urban America.

  • HS 350 Turning Points in Western History

    This course examines key turning points in Western History. It begins with Ancient Israel and its religious revolution, then discusses the rise and impact of ancient Greece, the triumph of Christianity in the Mediterranean world, the rise of the West to global dominance and the struggles of the colonized peoples for political independence, the global expansion of Western (especially American) popular culture after World War II, the impact of the new globalization and global mobility, and finally 9/11 and the current United States-led war on international terror.

  • HS 355 The World at War, 1914 to 1945

    This course examines the origins, nature, variety, impact and legacy of the multiple wars in the period from World War I to World War II. It focuses on: World War I; Soviet Russia and communist revolutionary class warfare; Spanish Civil War; Fascism /Nazism and war as empire-building; Japanese imperialism and Japan’s attempt to take control of Asia and the Pacific region; and World War II in Europe. Attention is paid to the elites who decide on war as well as the impact of war on the ordinary people called to fight and pay for war. Finally, the legacy of this period of global conflict to the world since 1945 is discussed.

  • HS 356 American Civil War

    This course is an intensive examination of the origins and course of the Civil War, Reconstruction, and the emergence of an industrial society on the verge of great power status.

  • HS 360 Modern Italy

    This course covers the dramatic history of modern Italy, including the wars of national unification, rise of fascism, disastrous defeat in World War II, rise of the mafia, surge of political terrorism in the sixties and seventies, recent economic prosperity, the current dilemmas caused by illegal immigration, and the sudden emergence of a multicultural society since the 1980s, all in international context.

  • HS 365 Rebellions in the United States

    This course examines cases where internal political, social, cultural and economic disagreements led to serious conflict.  Students will examine how rebellions in the US have taken many forms.  At the very beginning of the Republic, they took the form of military force against the government.  After the ratification of the Constitution, this type of rebellion virtually disappeared.  After that, rebellions took the form of nullification, Native American resistance, slave rebellions, labor uprisings and women asserting political rights.  The course will include a study of these conflicts, examining the ideas and forces behind them.

  • HS 366 World in Turmoil: The Mediterranean World, from the Fall of Rome to the First Crusade

    The period from the fall of Rome and triumph of Christianity through the rise of the Arabs and Islam and thence the collision of the two faiths inthe first crusade is of momentous historical significance. It saw: the shattering of a 600 year old empire that had embraced the entire Mediterranean world; the replacement of a classical pagan civilization by a new otherworldly religious vision; a time of troubles plagued by mass migrations, wars and invasions; the rise of yet another monotheistic religion which, with the Arab invasions, would come to dominate huge swathes of the Mediterranean world; and the paradigmatic collision of the two rival exclusivist monotheisms in the era of the crusades.

    By the end of the 11th century, the world that Rome had unified for six centuries had fragmented into Latin/Germanic kingdoms in the West, the Greek/Byzantine empire in the east, and the Arab empire in Iberia, north Africa, and the Middle East. Thus was set the fundamental juxtaposition of civilization in the Mediterranean world that endures through to the present. We will discuss this era of profound transformation through key episodes and turning points that illuminate the essence of the transformations that took place.

  • HS 370 Race in America: Slavery to DuBois

    This course includes a brief consideration of African roots, and examines the African American experience throughout American history from colonial days to the dawn of the twentieth century. Special emphasis is given to the periods of the Revolution, Civil War, Reconstruction, and Post-Reconstruction up to the conflict between Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois.

  • HS 375 Turning Points in the Twentieth-Century: From the New Imperialism to Globalization

    This course focuses on the main turning points in the world’s “long twentieth-century”: Europe’s global empire-building, World War I, communist revolution in Russia, World War II, the Holocaust, decolonization and the rise of Third World countries, the sudden fall of communism, the rise of America to sole superpower status, the 9/11 attacks, globalization and the surging patterns of mass migration.

  • HS 377 Labor in American History

    This course traces the history of labor in America and how economic, technological, and political changes have transformed the nature of work in America. The course readings explore industrialization, the origins and development of labor organizations, the decline of manufacturing, the rise of a service economy, and the impact of globalization on labor in America.

  • HS 380 Dangerous Continent: Europe, 1945-2005

    This course examines Europe’s main events and processes during the years from 1945 to 2005. Coming after a disastrous half-century of Great Depression, political extremism, and two world wars, Europe’s history after World War II is often seen as less momentous and essentially peaceful. In fact, this view is something of an illusion. True, there were no world wars or great economic disasters between 1945- and 2005; but Europe continued to be a key flashpoint for crucial, sometimes truly historic, developments- from the beginnings of the Cold War to the European powers’ loss of their vast overseas empires, from the fall of communism in the miraculous revolution of 1989-91 to the disastrous disintegration of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s, from the sudden, unexpected presence of a large Muslim minority and all the tensions and dilemmas this presented to the al-Qaeda attacks of 2004 and 2005 in Madrid and London.

  • HS 385 Special Studies in History

    The content and prerequisites for this course vary depending on the nature of the topic covered. Courses have included: The World at War, 1914 to 1945; Turning Points in Western History, Western History, from Ancient Israel to 9/11.

  • HS 388 Embattled World: From the Cold War to the War on Terror

    This course examines the origins, course and demise of the Cold War.  We discuss the beginnings of the Cold War in Europe, its global expansion with the outbreak of the Korean War, the political paranoia of the 1950s (McCarthyism, etc.), the near outbreak of nuclear war over the Cuban Missiles Crisis, the global interventions of the US in the name of anti-communism (peaking with the Vietnam War), the superpowers’ attempts to normalize relations (detente), the resurgence of the Cold War under President Reagan, and the stunningly sudden and unexpected end of the Cold War with the demise of communism in Europe and the Soviet Union.  We will then discuss the 9/11 attacks, the subsequent invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq; the War on Terror, and controversies over government deception, torture and civil liberties.

  • HS 389 Independent Study

    (4 credits)
    Directed in-depth reading and research is devoted to specific topics or periods in history.

    Prerequisite: approval of the adviser and Chair.
  • HS 490 Senior Thesis Seminar

    A two-semester capstone course, the first semester focuses on developing a research project. Thesis topics are chosen by students through discussion with the seminar professor. They may take the form of original research-based papers or discussions of the historical literature on an issue of interest and controversy. The second semester focuses on completing the research project, including in-class presentations of research findings, poster presentation, and the completion of the senior essay.

    Prerequisite: senior standing in history; or permission of the instructor.
  • HS 491 Senior Thesis Seminar

    A two-semester capstone course, the first semester focuses on developing a research project. Thesis topics are chosen by students through discussion with the seminar professor. They may take the form of original research-based papers or discussions of the historical literature on an issue of interest and controversy. The second semester focuses on completing the research project, including in-class presentations of research findings, poster presentation, and the completion of the senior essay.

    Prerequisite: senior standing in history; or permission of the instructor.


Note: See Undergraduate Curriculum section for First-Year Seminars and University Seminars.

  • ID 100A Becoming a Lifelong Learner

    (1 credit)
    Designed to assist incoming first-year students in becoming acclimated to the university culture and its academic expectations. Students will critically examine themselves as lifelong learners, exploring techniques and strategies to use as they adapt to the structures, routines and expectations of college life. Students examine their academic goals, personal strengths, and identify areas for further development; become familiar with college resources and services through in-class presentations from campus staff.  The course guides students to explore various time management strategies, examine their values, and strengthen their knowledge of effective study techniques. 

    This course is required for all students admitted to the University who attend the Gateway to Success Summer program.

  • ID 100B Becoming a Lifelong Learner

    (1 credit)
    Designed for students to examine their academic goals, personal strengths, and identify areas for further development, this proactive course guides students in reviewing learning strategies and study skill techniques. This course assists students to recognize their learning style and learn how other factors such as health & wellness, and finances affect a student’s academic success and satisfaction in college. Students will convert their theoretical knowledge of learning strategies to practical application in the college classroom. Ultimately, the goals of this course are to help facilitate a smooth transition to college and lay the foundation for a successful college career.

    This course is required for all students admitted to the University via the Gateway to Success program.

  • ID 101 Science in Civilization I

    In this course, students learn and apply basic concepts of physics and chemistry. The interrelationships among the fields of science are stressed, and concepts are reinforced throughout the semester. Basic problem-solving skills are emphasized in both lecture and the required laboratory component. The goal of the course is to produce scientifically literate students who are able to make informed decisions in an increasingly technologically oriented world. This is a one-semester, stand-alone course for non-science majors, including those who are preparing for the teaching profession. Topics covered include the nature of science, the scientific method, motion, gravity, energy, laws of thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, waves, light, chemical reactions and nuclear energy.

    Three class hours and three laboratory hours weekly.

    Prerequisite: Satisfactory performance on the mathematics placement inventory or successful completion of MA 100  is required.

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